أثر التدريب على تحسين أداء العاملين في الجامعات الأردنية الخاصة
The impact of training on improving the performance of staff
in private Jordanian universities
يوسف عبدالله العامر ( الأردن)
وزارة التربية والتعليم (الأردن)
Ministry of education (Jordan)
مستوى الرضا الوظيفي
لدى معلمي مدارس التربية الخاصة ومعلماتها في محافظات غزة
The level of job satisfaction
At the teachers of special education schools in the governorates of Gaza
الدكتورة ديبة موسى الزين (فلسطين)
Dr. Deba Moussa Al-Zein (Palestine)
جامعة الأقصى (فلسطين)
Al-Aqsa University (Palestine)
ظاهرة التسرب من المدرسة في المدارس المصرية
الأسباب والدوافع من وجهة نظر معلمي المدارس في صعيد مصر
The phenomenon of school dropout in Egyptian schools
causes and motives from the viewpoint of school teachers in Upper Egypt
نهي محمد كمال محمد (مصر)
Noha Mohamed Kamal Mohamed (Egypt)
جامعة المنيا (مصر)
Minia University (Egypt)
درجة وعي معلمي الصف الأول الأساسي في التعلّم عن بُعد في تربية البادية الجنوبية
The level of awareness of first-grade teachers of Distance Learning in Southern Badia Education Directorate
تمارا سالم عبدالله الدراوشه (الأردن)
Tamara Salem Abdullah Al-Darawsheh (Jordan)
وزارة التربية والتعليم (الأردن)
Ministry of Education (Jordan)
How can we teach our children in times of crisis? Benefit from the experience of city of Mosul
Saja Fattah (Iraq) & Felix Senger (U.S.A)
1- University of Mosul,Faculty of Political science / e- mail: sajafattah@gmail.com
2- TU Dortmund University, Faculty of Spatial Planning / e-mail: felix.senger@tu-dortmund.de
Abstract :
The idea of the article is summarized by its interest in presenting educational methods and teaching methods for children and was tried in the city of Mosul during the period of ISIS control for a period of three years, as the people of this city lived in situations that may be somewhat similar in the case of the spread of the covid-19 virus, and that is to say, the voluntary ban by not Sending their children to schools and families' dependence on home education. Therefore we wrote this article and mentioned some of these methods in teaching children to benefit from the experience and to draw attention to this city, which suffered silently and without anyone knowing about its suffering and its experiences.